Saturday, January 14, 2006


Dear Flabby,

Cool, I had my first mean people actually read these things, there are so many out there I wasnt sure anything I wrote would ever be read........Thanks for the comment!!! It feels like a validation of sorts I guess.

Well exercise and diet have been going pretty well over the last few days, ALTHOUGH I should have went riding this afternoon but failed to do so and I feel pretty bad, HOWEVER I do have an excuse (dont all slackers??) I have been thinking recently about starting my own business but wasnt sure what sort of business I wanted to start, but today it hit me.........Party Planner!!! for kids birthday parties, so for the rest of the day up till now (1.45am) I have been online researching. So there it excuse and im stickin to it........hehehe. I will endevour to do either a walk or ride tomorrow I promise!!!

Diet wise I have been pretty strong in my urges to eat crap food, the worst thing I probably had today was 3 cookies so compared to my FGD's (fat girl days)I have improved 10 fold, and I feel better about myself. Even though I have only lost 2kg's I have already lost weight off my face, one chin here I come.

Until next time
Fight the good fight....

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

WOOHOO we have a victory

Dear Flabby,

YES!!!! I have lost 2kg now, I am over the moon, all this hard work has paid off. I have been exercising every other day for now, and have been sticking to the diet plan in the CSIRO book (mostly) I say mostly because I have caved in a few times, but not to the extent that I normally would have. You see before I would have eaten a family size block of chocolate if I failed, to make myself feel better as ya do, but instead when I craved chocolate I had 1 fun size kit-kat, just enough to take the edge off. I am happy about this first 2kg's and I cant wait for more. It's been a week and I have, for the most part been pretty damn good. I have been thinking about goals and what rewards I will set for myself. My first goal is to lose 5kg, and im well on my way, I think for my first reward I will buy myself some jewlery. I have a rose gold locket necklace on laybuy at the moment and I think as soon as I hit the 5 kg mark I will go pay it all out and start wearing it as a testament to my achievement. Then the next 5kg's I think I will be needing some new a LOWER size!!! that I will be able to buy from a NON FAT GIRL SHOP which will be something I havent been able to do for about 8 years. My main goal is to lose 30-35 kg that should put me somewhere about the 75 - 80kg mark which I dont think is to much to ask of myself, and im being realistic as well, that weight range is healthy for my height, im not aiming to be ultra skinny girl because I know that will just not happen, I just want to be healthy and happy when I look in the mirror.

So back to working on my inner fat girl,

until next time
fight the good fight...

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Call me a Slacker!!

Dear Flabby,

Diet today was great again, Breakfast: Sultana Bran, Lunch: Toasted Ham Cheese and Tomato with a skinny Cappuccino, and Dinner: Stir-fry Chicken with Broccoli, and Bok Choy with a lil rice. I had a real urge for a softdrink, so I got myself a Diet Ginger Beer.......I swear all diet drinks taste like they have been filtered through a dirty sock, whats up with that??? BUT if thats what I have to do in order to rid the inner fat girl then I am willing to do it.

Now the bad news, I didnt walk today. YES I KNOW IM SLACK.......I had a big no I mean BIG blister on the back of my ankle from yesterday walking in the wrong size shoes, I tried putting on the correct size shoes today and realised I wouldnt get to the end of the street without bursting it so I went back inside in the air con and did some scrapbooking. I hear the words spinning round in my head.......SLACKER SLACKER SLACKER, Tomorrow is another day!!!


3rd Jan Day One of the War

Dear Flabby,

Phew what a day, Good definately triumphed over evil today. Diet wise I had a fantastic day starting with Sultana Bran and a Banana, Lunch was Tuna, lettuce, tomato, beetroot, and alfafa sprouts on wholemean no butter, with a skinny cappuccino, dinner was this super healthy beef stew from the CSIRO book. I am pretty much folling the Diet plan in that book, with only a few changes here and there as needed, I am also still breastfeeding so I need a few more calories in my daily intake then normal. I am TRYING to drink as much water as I can, the hot weather is helping in that department, I am really not a fan of the taste of water, I know I should add some lemon or something.

Exercise wise I went for a 40 min walk followed up by 20 situps, and 30 pushups, YES GIRL PUSHUPS but I have to start somewhere. Even though afterwards I was really really shagged I still felt good, mostly in mind that I had achieved a great first day. I hope I can keep up the good work.


Monday, January 02, 2006

War is Declared!!

Dear Flabby,
A war is about to waged on this shell I call my body, it is way past due that these flabby bits disappear. How have I got to this point you ask?? Well one, I looked in the mirror, I mean really looked, not just a glance but a deeper look at myself......HOW DID I GET TO THIS POINT??? was the question echoing in my head!!! Yes I had a baby 5 months ago, but I am not using that as an excuse, I was Flabby befor then, WAY before then. Infact I have been Flabby for about the last 10 years, wow that's scary when I say that......Flabby for 10 years!!!!OMG(Oh My God)

Well I have had enough, it's about time to unleash the "inner fat girl" (borrowed from Diet Girl I am tired of looking for size 20 clothing, I want to buy clothes from a normal store, not just fat girl stores. I no longer want to be the "options plus" girl anymore. Oh how good will it be to walk into a Normal size girl store and KNOW they have my size.

Let the adventure begin, tomorrow is the day the war begins, the war on my body that is, and you will be there with me, every step of the way, the good days and the bad days.............

Let Flabby girls unite, this is all out WAR!!!!

Until tomorrow be well!!!